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    Advanced Nutrients

    Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information

    Advanced Nutrients Bud Candy  es un elaborado concentrado de azúcares, vitaminas, carbohidratos y aminoácidos, que ayudan a tus plantas en la última fase de floración para la compactación y engorde de las flores. Aumenta la producción de aceites esenciales responsables del aroma y sabor. Cien por cien orgánico a base de los mejores extractos naturales.

    Use Bud Candy y consiga cosechas más grandes, más dulces y con más resina


    It is a proven fact that during the flowering cycle, and especially in its last phases, the plants' need for sugars exceeds its ability  to produce them. The more CO2 and nutrients receive more carbohydrates need, thus increasing the amount of carbohydrates. the deficit that they wanted to avoid. This is partly because carbohydrates are better absorbed by plants when they come from sugars. natural present in arabinose, dextrose, maltose,  Glucose and xylose from raw cane extract, cranberry extract and other premium sources that Bud Candy incorporates.

    Not only are processes linked to flowering fueled, but these premium materials also feed beneficial bacteria and fungi in the root zone. These organisms are the best agents to increase the nutrient absorption zones of the roots, they produce hormones  that stimulate the size of the flowers at the same time as the production of resins.

    The success of the harvest is appreciated when the grower notices the flavor, potency and aroma by providing anthocyanins, isoflavonoids, polyphenols, isoterpenes and tannins extracted from the plant. two of blueberries and grapes.

    Vitamins also help to increase these properties. For example,  Vitamin C contributes to photosynthesis, protecting plants from the abiotic stress of temperature or intense light. Or those of group B that contribute to improve the flowering processes, healthy flowers are produced and at the same time protect the plants from stress.

    How to use:
    Mix 2 ml for every liter of nutrient solution at the beginning of flowering until one week before harvesting.

    Trace elements
    Citric acid
    Ascorbic acid
    Acids organic
    Soluble Potash
    Caramel molasses
    Natural extracts 
    Vitamins B-1, B-2, B-3, B- 5, B-6, B-7, B-12
    L-Amino Acids