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    Grotek Monster Bloom Liquid


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information

    Fertilizer that increases flowering. In North America it is a classic and is the number one seller of all fertilizer brands sold in Canada.

    It has earned a reputation for saturating flowering plants during the mid-bloom cycle. The high concentration of phosphorus in the product stimulates root growth and flowering and plays an important role in the metabolism of the plant.

    Potassium helps improve the quality of flowers and fruits, optimizes photosynthesis and the generation of starches within the plant. It also has a natural ingredient derived from plants that helps increase overall flowering potential.


    Due to the powerful concentrations, Monster Bloom should be discontinued before the last two weeks of flowering to ensure that it has been used and consumed by the plant. The result will be a crop with abundant flavor.

    For increased performance, use Heavy Bloom to complement Monster Bloom, this will ensure that in addition to developing in size, terpenes have also been developed at their finest.

    Includes Magnesium to ensure better flower production even under stress conditions. The additional vitamins provide the plant with healthy growth, developing the buds to their maximum genetic potential.