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    The Hype Company

    Mygal (Mycorrhiza Gel)


    Sold by Natural Systems.More information

    MYGAL is a mycorrhiza from a specific strain in semi-liquid gel format, which maintains all the active structures capable of interacting with the plant. Thanks to its formulation, it has 100 times more propagules than any mycorrhiza on the market (5x107UFC / L).


    Biological inoculant from the Glomus intraradices fungus, which forms beneficial associations or mycorrhizae with the roots of plants: they stimulate their growth and increase the uptake and absorption of nutrients, especially those less accessible. Mycorrhizae provide a greater and better development of the crop and help it to overcome stressful situations or attacks by pathogens.

    In addition, it offers the fastest colonization on the market, reducing this time to 2 weeks compared to the 4 required by mycorrhizae in other products. Its formulation contains different volatile compounds that participate in the recognition between the plant and the mycorrhiza.

    With MYGAL we managed to explore a greater volume of soil (thanks to the hyphae of the fungus), improving

    efficiency in the absorption of water and nutrients (especially phosphorus blocked in the

    soil), ensuring greater physiological activity and greater quantity and quality of production.

    A single application after transplantation. To increase the symbiosis between plant and fungus, it is recommended to reduce watering by 20% and not apply phosphorus or trichodermas during the first 2 weeks.

    Stimulates and develops the root system
    Better development of your plants
    Exclusive gel mycorrhizae that colonize the plant in just 2 weeks
    Product recommended for outdoor soil crops and mother plants
    Stress reduction


    Glomus intraradices strain, obtained from monoculture soils for dozens of years.

    1ml / L
    Apply in the first week of cultivation