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    Secret Icer


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information

    The most famous extraction bags on the market, the Secret Icer Bags for the extraction of hashish to water of the best quality, available in 2, 3, and 5 bags.


    The Secret Icer is a set of meshes used for cold extraction. the resin from the remains of our harvest and thus make the most of it.
    Its operation is very simple and is perfectly explained in the instructions that accompany the product.

    You just have to put one mesh inside the others and in turn in a cube. Fill with ice and beat with a domestic wire mixer. never blades.
    When draining it, the resin will have been trapped between the meshes and it will only be necessary to throw away the remains of vegetable matter and put the resin to dry.
    After several uses. finer meshes can be clogged. they should be cleaned with alcohol.

    Micron measurements according to Secret Icer colors:

    Yellow 190 microns.
    Red 110 microns.
    Green 70 microns.
    Blue 45 microns.
    Black 25 microns.
    The kits come in 2, 3 and 5 bags that come in these packages:

    2 bags- Blue and Yellow.
    3 bags- Yellow Green and Black.
    5 bags- Yellow Red Green Blue and Black.