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  • SIPC0033
  • SIPC0033

Sipcam Jardín

Sipcam Jardin Domark Evo 15ml (Antioidium Fungicide) Tetraconazole 12.5% w / v


Sold by Natural Systems.More information

The broad spectrum systemic fungicide Domark Evo® from Sipcam Iberia is the definitive solution to end the problems produced by a large number of fungi, especially indicated for the prevention and eradication of Powdery mildew, Oidiopsis and Mottled.


Its efficacy has been proven against a wide spectrum of fungi and molds, such as Powdery Mildew, Oidiopsis, Roya, Septoria, Cercospora ..., etc. harmful to crops, especially those of the powdery mildew family. Able to prevent, but also to cure powdery mildew infected crops.

Its active principle, Tetraconazole 12.5% ??w / v, is a mixture of chemical compounds from the group of triazoles. Is a colorless, oily, non-volatile liquid very slightly soluble in water that acts by blocking the synthesis of ergosterol in the cell membranes of the fungi, preventing them from feeding, so that the fungus dies from starvation.

Being systemic, it does not need to come into contact with the fungus, but rather the plant absorbs it and distributes it throughout all its cells such that any part of the plant becomes toxic to fungi after applying Domark Evo®. Is Applicable to both outdoor and greenhouse crops.


  • 15 ml container (dose for 2 backpacks)


  • Tetraconazole 12.5% ??w / v (125 g / l)
  • Microemulsion (ME)


Systemic fungicide with preventive and curative action, specific against powdery mildew, powdery mildew and speckles that attack crops such as vine, pome fruit, tomato, cucurbits, peach, nectarine, strawberry, artichoke, ornamental herbaceous and woody ornamentals.

Dosage and advice for use

  • 0.4 ml / l of water in normal spray.
  • Apply after observing the first symptoms of infestation.
  • To prepare the spray mixture, first fill the tank to about half its capacity, dilute the required amount of Domark in a small amount of water, add and make up the rest of the volume to be applied keeping the broth under constant agitation.
  • Apply outdoors in normal spray using manual or motor applications.
  • Alternate Domark Evo® with other products with different modes of action to prevent the appearance of resistance.