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    Bonsai Ulmus Parvifolia (Zelkova) (15cm Pot)


    Sold by Natural Systems. More information

    The Parvifolia elm is an excellent bonsai for both beginners and experts due to its versatility and ease of care. It can be stylized as a formal upright, informal upright, leaning, semi-cascading, or cascade complete with small leaves and attractive bark that becomes mottled as the tree matures.

    Leaf: Semi-deciduous

    In nature, Ulmus parvifolia is a tree that can grow up to 30 m. Therefore, his place in the apartment must be chosen carefully. It is best suited to bright interiors with plenty of space. This species should be placed in a well-lit location, but not in direct sunlight (this can cause burns to the sheets). Ulmus parvifolia is also known to grow well in artificial light.

    This species likes to be root-constrained and prefers shallow pots. Be sure to choose one pot with enough holes for good drainage and use a well-draining soil.

    Fertilize your Ulmus parvifolia once every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer). In winter, fertilization should be stopped completely.

    Watering your Ulmus parvifolia is best done with soft water (rain or demineralized water). to this species does not like excess moisture; therefore always check your soil surface before watering.

    Ulmus parvifolia does not tolerate temperatures below 10 °C. Therefore, it is necessary to move it indoors during the winter months or keep it at a temperature that does not fall below this threshold.